Hey, Shortstuff

Two revelations: first, reading long posts is a deterrent to keeping up with blogs. Second, as much as I have disdain for soundbytes as news, I do prefer shorter, elegant statements to rants and babble.

As a result, I will attempt to write shorter, more succinct posts on this blog.


rbbergstrom said...

Long posts? You weren't talking about any one in particular, were you? ...I get it, THAT's why you provided me with that link to your blog. Clever. Passive-aggressive, but clever.

Jeremy Rice said...

I did have one in mind as I wrote it, actually. But it wasn't you. ;) Scott Adams. His blog is funny and insightful and very much worth reading, but he posts once a day, and every post is very, very long. I end up skipping it for weeks at a time.

rbbergstrom said...

You mean your world doesn't revolve around me? Damn.