No Masters Degree for Moi

Today, I found out that the online degree program at CSU that I was looking at doing does, in fact, require a Bachelor's degree to be accepted.

I don't have one.

I can't get in.

This made me slightly sad, and my grand scheme of getting a Masters there and a Doctorate here in NM has gone away. ...I think I'll fall back onto my idea of working at a University, rather than teaching at one. I realize this was not an ideal position for a good friend of mine [waves at Victor], but I'm being a bit block-headed about it: I think it's something I would a) be really good at, b) really enjoy, and c) make a good contribution to.

That said, I am really enjoying my current job, and so I don't plan on running away anytime soon. Specifically, I've picked up a few really big, really cool projects. ...And even though I can't get a degree from CSU, I can still take the courses. Today, I showed the program to my geek co-workers, and all of them were very serious about doing it themselves. I think it would be enjoyable if all seven (!) of us did the same track of classes.

I'm continuing to look at colleges, and continuing to focus on the undergraduate offerings. ...So when I do start seriously looking for a job, I'll know where to look. ; ) (And, hey, if I have to start with a Bachelor's, then that's what I should be looking at, right?)

Anyway. Drag. But I had a honey-bun and a bottle of orange soda, and I'm getting over it. : D

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